At home sonogram
At home sonogram


Ultrasonic waves are sound waves, which pulsate at a higher frequency than those audible to our ears. Right here with this quick, non-technical look at some data.


Skin treatments using this technology do work and are safe for most people and their skin. That means the general answer to both questions above is "YES". Problem: What happens when you’re looking for recommendations for products and devices that your go-to sources have never tried? Like a new gadget? It's Not as Weird as It May SoundĬosmetic applications of ultrasonic technology (for facial treatments) have a fixed place in the Beauty and Self-care industry.

at home sonogram

We may even wind up lost at home in the clutches of YouTubers, whose beauty and make-up videos can range from AWESOME to CRINGE-WORTHY! (It's a matter of opinion - to be sure). Click after click takes us to countless beauty sites.


Although it can be fun to download beauty apps, or research new products on Google - time flies and we get dreamy. After a while, we develop a nose for identifying the right skin care solutions by trying things out, or better yet - by getting tips and advice from people who love us (best friends and BFFs). Sometimes we just know intuitively what's good and what's not. Whether we prefer devices, creams or a combination of both, there are 2 questions we probably all ask ourselves (or our best friends) when making skin care choices - deciding which beauty products to use: 1. An ultrasonic facial machine might be the best beauty device for just that. Besides that - we want to be smart about our skin care and make sure that our face (and our spirit) are in good hands! After a long workday, it can be easier and nicer to spoil ourselves with a little self-care at home. Down time is at a premium – there’s always something to do in our busy, active lives. Sadly, the truth is that finding time for a beauty salon visit can tricky, even a little stressful. It’s wonderful to have a facial at a salon! You have to “spoil yourself” from time to time – it’s an absolute MUST - regardless of the cost. They use luxurious advertising - making their services all the more tempting!


  • In people with vascular problems: If you have problems with circulation, ultrasound may not be a good choice for you because it is felt that decreased circulation limits your body’s ability to help manage increased heat that occurs with ultrasound.There are countless beauty salons and day spas in my neighborhood offering an overwhelming number of full service facial treatments guaranteed to solve all my skin problems - or at least improve my complexion.
  • Over body parts with total joint replacements: Many total joint replacements use special cement to hold the new joint in place, and ultrasound may rapidly heat this cement and damage surrounding body parts.
  • In areas with decreased temperature sensation: If your injury prevents you from feeling normal hot and cold temperatures, ultrasound should not be used since you would not be able to report any discomfort or burning sensations to your physical therapist.
  • Over reproductive organs: The effect of ultrasound used over reproductive organs like the testes or ovaries is not fully explored and therefore should be avoided.
  • If you have a pacemaker, ultrasound may interfere with its normal function.

    at home sonogram

    Areas around the heart: It is suggested that ultrasound may alter the electrical signals around your heart.Near the eyes: Damage to the retina or lens may result if ultrasound is used near the eyes.

    at home sonogram

  • During pregnancy: The effect of therapeutic ultrasound on a developing human fetus has not been fully explored and therefore should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • In children: Ultrasound over the bone that has not fully developed may cause fractures or other problems with the part of the bones that are responsible for growth.
  • Cancer: Since ultrasound may increase cellular activity, it should not be used over cancerous areas of the body as this is thought to increase chances of metastasis.
  • at home sonogram

    Passive treatments, like ultrasound, should not be the only treatment you receive during your rehabilitation. In general, your rehab should focus on active movements like exercise. Ultrasound should not be the only treatment that you receive for your condition.

    At home sonogram